Make a Decision

Decision Decision

There were 30-ish doctoral candidates standing on a street corner just outside of Washington DC.  For all of us, except one, this was the first time in our lives that we’ve been at this location.  I’m being generous with the “one”, as you’ll see in a minute.  We were there

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How to Move Up

Crouching Boy with Inquisitive Look

When was the last time you thought about, or had a discussion with a spouse, co-worker, or friend about how to move up.  Sometimes the conversation is about someone who moved up too quickly, or someone who didn’t move up fast enough.  Sometimes it’s just a colleague or friend wanting

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The Leadership Handbook

finding leadership series introduction

Over the past two decades I have had the incredible experience of leading people and changing culture.  I have led people through both mundane and extraordinary circumstances.  I have learned from and been inspired by other great leaders either through their books or through personal interactions (Check out my reading

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